New Book "Catastrophe Now" I Co-Authored, is Now the #1 Rated "Hot Release" in National & International Security
Including highlights of my soon to be published new report "America in Danger-What U.S. Leaders Must do to Avert War with the Sino-Russian Alliance and Ensure our National Survival"
I am very pleased to announce that the EMP Task Force’s new book “Catastrophe Now—America’s Last Chance to Prevent an EMP Disaster”, which I co-authored, has just catapulted to become the #1 rated best-selling Amazon “Hot Release” in National & International Security and the #3 best selling national security book overall after only two weeks. It is now available for purchase at the introductory, heavily discounted price of $11.39. This low price will not last long so I would like to encourage all the readers of “The Real War” newsletter to purchase a copy today while its still on sale. If you like it, please post a five star review on our Amazon page to help increase our sales. This book outlines all the solutions to our current problems with Russia and China and how we can successfully deter attacks against them against the U.S. homeland and prevent World War Three so its very important for us to get this message out both to U.S. policymakers and the public.
Later this week, I will also be publishing a new 87-page report entitled “America in Danger—What U.S. Leaders Must do to Avert War with the Sino-Russian Alliance and Ensure our National Survival,” available to paid subscribers only, that showcases some of the most important revelations of our new book. I am including the key highlights along with the introduction to my report below.
Here are some of the alarming revelations featured:
“Russia and China now lead a military alliance that includes over 71 percent of the landmass of Eurasia, over 43 percent of the world’s population, nearly one-third of the world’s GDP, and over 80 percent of the world’s operational nuclear weapons, with over two-thirds of them deployed by Russia alone…In 2008, the Congressional EMP Commission estimated that such a cataclysmic attack on a national scale could cause up to 275 million Americans to die within twelve months due to starvation, disease, and societal breakdown…Russia, China, and North Korea have been assessed as likely having the capability to use super-EMP and cyberwarfare attacks to shut down America’s electrical power grid, other critical infrastructure, internet, financial system, transportation system, food and water distribution system, communications system, and emergency services perhaps without warning and without U.S. leaders even knowing who attacked us. North Korea is believed to have deployed two super-EMP satellites in orbit over the U.S. which could be detonated over the center of the U.S. at the push of a button. They might even be capable of disabling U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) and military early warning satellites including those used for nuclear missile launch detection and missile defense, potentially blinding us to subsequent attacks against the U.S. and its allies including a decapitation nuclear first strike against the U.S. capital.”
U.S. Vulnerability to a Sino-Russian Nuclear/EMP First Strike
As of March 28th, both Russia and the US have suspended their adherence to the New START Treaty so there is no nuclear arms control treaty in place for the first time in over half a century which even purports to limit the size of Russia’s or China’s nuclear arsenals in anyway.
Russia and China believe nuclear wars can be fought and won and have spent hundreds of billions of dollars ensuring they would both survive and win even a full nuclear exchange with the U.S.
Russia could stage a successful decapitation nuclear strike against Washington DC with as little as four to five minutes warning with a nuclear hypersonic missile submarine off the East coast.
China has a cell tower in Washington DC that can disrupt nuclear launch orders and communications.
It would take five minutes to retarget US ICBMs from their preset launch coordinates in the ocean and it would take fifteen minutes for our nuclear missile subs to do so.
If they attacked us without warning when we were at DEFCON 5, our Looking Glass TACAMO aircraft that transmit nuclear launch orders from the President to our nuclear missile subs might not even get off the ground. If they also took out our two Extra-Low Frequency transmitting stations, a presidential nuclear launch order might not reach our nuclear missile subs at all, and they would be unable to fire without surfacing to receive them.
U.S. policy is not to defend against a Russian or Chinese nuclear missile attack.
Russia or China could take out over half of the US nuclear triad with only five warheads if our nuclear alert status was lower than DEFCON 3 and could take out 100% of our nuclear warheads in reserve with an additional four warheads.
Putin has announced he will deploy 100 MT nuclear-armed Poseidon UUV carrying submarines in both the Atlantic (already deployed) and the Pacific (by early 2024) which could potentially trail and destroy all US nuclear missile submarines at sea and destroy all of those in port with as few as six warheads, taking out the entire sea leg of our nuclear triad.
The Increasing Nuclear Imbalance Between the U.S. and the Sino-Russian Military Alliance
US leaders believe FAS estimates that we have 5,400 nuclear weapons but fail to understand only 1,665 are operational that shows the meager size of our nuclear triad and the fact that nearly 70% of our strategic nuclear warheads are either partially or fully dismantled and unable to be returned to service within 6-48 months if at all.
U.S. intelligence has long seriously underestimated the actual size of both Russia’s and especially China’s strategic nuclear arsenal and continuing nuclear buildup.
China already has 3,750 nuclear-capable ballistic missiles and 500 nuclear-capable cruise missiles before they began deploying 360 additional ten-warhead DF-41 ICBMs. The US has only 600 deployed nuclear ballistic missiles and 214 nuclear cruise missiles.
Russia and China are building a combined strategic nuclear arsenal six times larger than ours with up to ten times as many on-alert/ready to fire strategic nuclear warheads that would be available for use in a crisis.
China is building up to 4,500-5,000 strategic nuclear warheads. Russia likely has 3,300 and could reach 5,000-6,000 in a matter of months without us even knowing about it by deploying 50 Sarmat super-heavy ICBMs with 50 warheads each and uploading additional warheads to their existing missiles. It would take the U.S. over three decades to build up to 6,000 warheads. Both Russia & China have an unknown number of undeployed reserve and re-fire missiles.
China likely spends at least three times as much money on defense as they claim they do (equivalent to $1-1.2 trillion in terms of Purchase Power Parity) and they get at least seven to eight times more ‘bang for their buck’ than the U.S. does for its defense spending.
Russia has now deployed their Belgorod submarine to patrol the Atlantic Ocean with a full complement of six Poseidon nuclear UUVs which together have nearly as much nuclear firepower as the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal combined and has announced their intention. Russia has announced plans to deploy a second Poseidon nuclear UUV carrying submarine in the Pacific by early 2024.
Russia has over 225 times more land-based ABMs than we do and could likely shoot down 80-90% of a US nuclear retaliatory second strike.
Russian and Chinese leaders would be assured to survive even a full nuclear exchange because their underground nuclear command centers are so deep, they could withstand direct nuclear hits.
U.S. is Behind the Sino-Russian Alliance in all of the Following Categories
Quantity and quality of strategic nuclear weapons (Russia and China outnumber us at least 3 to 1)
Non-strategic nuclear weapons (Russia outnumbers U.S. 30-35 to 1 and the US has none in the Far East or western Pacific where the PRC enjoys theater nuclear supremacy over us).
Number of nuclear capable ballistic and cruise missiles (China has 5-6 times more)
Super EMP weapons (US has no plans to develop any)
Nuclear hypersonic missiles and hypersonic glide vehicles that can attack us from orbit (US has no plans to develop any)
Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Weapons
Cyber offense and especially cyber defense
National Missile Defense (Russia has 225 times more land-based Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABMs) than we do)
EMP/cyber hardening of critical infrastructure
Numbers of combat troops
Quantity of major surface combatants and submarines
Economic and industrial manufacturing might (China’s manufacturing base is twice as large)
Ability to produce advanced weapon systems quickly.
Artificial Intelligence
Quantum Computing
Drone Swarms
Space-Based Lasers
Long-Range Radiofrequency jammers
Long Range Artillery and Strike Systems
Key Recommendations of My 2023 Alternate Nuclear Posture Review
Reassemble and redeploy all 2,000 strategic nuclear warheads in reserve.
Redeploy all 43 remaining MX ICBMs
Convert all 60 B-1 bombers back to being nuclear capable.
Quadruple the number of U.S. ICBM warheads from 400 to 1,650 and double the number of SLBM warheads from 900 to 1,800.
Double the OPTEMPO of our nuclear missile submarines and convert all four Ohio-class SSGNs back to SSBNs to enable us to triple the number of deployed nuclear ballistic missile submarines at sea at any given time from four to twelve to massively increase the survivability of the sea-leg of our strategic nuclear deterrent.
Steps U.S. leaders Could Take Within Days or Weeks to Ensure U.S. Survival.
Negotiate a cease fire with Russia to end the war in Ukraine and end the immediate threat of Russian nuclear escalation.
Provide strategic clarity by stating that the US would not intervene militarily in the event of any Sino-Taiwanese conflict and perhaps even negotiate a reunification agreement to prevent China from engaging in a catastrophic pre-emptive strike against us if they believe Biden will follow through on his pledge to send our military forces to defend Taiwan.
Increase the number of strategic nuclear warheads on deployed Ohio nuclear missile subs from 80 to 192 which would increase the number of survivable US strategic nuclear warheads available for a U.S. nuclear retaliatory strike by 2.4 times greatly strengthening the U.S. ability to credibly deter enemy nuclear aggression.
Increase U.S. nuclear alert status to DEFCON 3 to match Russian nuclear alert levels for the duration of the war in Ukraine and the Taiwan crisis.
Rescind PDD-60 “launch on impact” nuclear posture with “launch on warning.”
Place all US nuclear bombers back on 24-hour strip alert to enable them to survive a nuclear first strike as well.
Redeploy 150 W-80 nuclear warheads on Tomahawk SLCMs on our 49 remaining U.S. nuclear attack submarines to massively expand our survivable nuclear-armed submarines to ensure U.S. ability to launch a robust nuclear retaliatory strike against potential nuclear aggressors while also greatly increasing our ability to employ non-strategic nuclear weapons in response to Russian or Chinese non-strategic nuclear weapons use against the U.S. or its allies.
Increase the OPTEMPO of our nuclear attack submarines from about 10% today to 50-67%, which would provide us with an additional 25-34 nuclear missile submarines in addition to the four Ohio-class nuclear submarines expanding the number of our nuclear missile submarines deployed at sea at any given time by 7-10 times.
Late last summer, America lost one of its most courageous unsung heroes, Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, who served as the longtime Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, which is an official Congressional Advisory Board that was organized in November 2011. Peter was one of America’s most brilliant national security strategists of our time and may well have been the most knowledgeable expert on the U.S. nuclear arsenal in the country, championing the modernization of America’s nuclear arsenal and warning that the three-decade long U.S. strategic nuclear weapon and delivery system procurement holiday and nuclear test moratorium must come to an end.
In his last several months of life, Peter was tireless in his warnings of the existential threat posed by the Sino-Russian alliance and expressed great concern that U.S. leaders would stumble into a nuclear/EMP Third World War against two or even three nuclear adversaries. He dedicated himself to the cause of peace, writing articles advocating for the U.S. to stay out of great power wars with the Russian Federation over Ukraine and the People’s Republic of China over Taiwan. He believed that doing so would prove essential to provide us sufficient time to rebuild America’s strategic deterrent including our increasingly obsolescent and undersized strategic nuclear arsenal, deploying thousands of space-based ABM interceptors modeled on the Cold-War era “Brilliant Pebbles” program and most importantly hardening the U.S. electrical power grid against the clear and present dangers of EMP and cyber-attack as well as super geomagnetic storms. The Task Force on National and Homeland Security stands resolute in its determination to honor his legacy by continuing to champion his life’s work to demand that U.S. elected leaders act immediately to take the necessary steps outlined in this report to ensure America’s survival as he would have wanted us to do.
This report is dedicated to Dr. Pry, who devoted his life to protecting America against existential threats, particularly the threat of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), welcomed me into the Executive Leadership of the Task Force in 2020 and asked me to contribute to this important project. It was an honor to have known him and worked by his side. Peter was an exceptional strategic thinker. In this report, I have include several quotes from Peter’s past writings, and being extremely familiar with his thinking, I believe the important topics in this report accurately reflect Peter’s views in virtually all respects. Some of the material in this report was included in the last two chapters of the newly released book “Catastrophe Now—America’s Last Chance to Prevent an EMP Disaster” which is now available for purchase on Lastly, I would also like to thank Cynthia Ayers, who replaced Peter as Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, given the fact that without her hard work in leading the effort to write, compile and edit this important book, its publication would likely not have been possible.
The title of this report was inspired by the title of a never published book I wrote from 1995-1997 entitled, “America in Danger—The Increasing Threat of a Nuclear First Strike by the Sino-Russian Alliance” about the existential threat posed to the U.S. by the burgeoning Sino-Russian alliance which had only begun to form with a Sino-Russian strategic partnership agreement concluded in 1996. This alliance of America’s nuclear superpower adversaries, which most U.S. leaders did not admit existed until early last year, was sparked by the decision of the Clinton administration to publicly announce in 1995 that NATO would be expanded eastward to include the nations of the former Warsaw Pact. While the massive Chinese nuclear buildup first publicly reported in July 2021 appears to have caught U.S. intelligence off guard, I detected preparations of it and warned about it over a quarter century ago in my book.
In 1997, I wrote in my book manuscript,
“The Russian Federation and the Communist Chinese governments have concluded a strategic partnership--a military and political alliance against what they term to be “U.S. hegemony” with the goal of first supplanting and then replacing the United States as the world’s only superpowers. The Communist Chinese are currently engaged in a crash-program to build and increase their nuclear infrastructure and nuclear weapons-building capabilities as they seek to build increasingly larger numbers of strategic nuclear weapons which they plan will rival the nuclear arsenal of the United States. Considering the fact that the Russian nuclear arsenal is much more numerous than that of the United States and in light of the continuing program of unilateral nuclear disarmament being perpetuated on the United States by the Clinton Administration, the results of the achievement of the Communist Chinese plans in this regard would be nothing less than ruinous to the chances of a continued peace and aversion of the threat of nuclear war. At the very least, the realization of so large a Communist Chinese arsenal would spell certain doom for the prospects of the United States remaining a dominant superpower…This threat has resulted from the growing nuclear imbalance between the Russian Federation and the United States and the increasing nuclear build-up by the PRC which has been greatly facilitated by the Administration’s transfer of nuclear weapons and missile technology to the butchers of Beijing. China’s growing nuclear might and its recent acquisition of MIRV technology places it in a position to blackmail the United States into inaction in the face of Chinese threats and aggression in Asia…Indeed, the Russians have been producing 2,000 nuclear warheads a year while the United States has not built any nuclear devices for the last several years and, more importantly, has completely dismantled its ability to build any more in the foreseeable future. The United States government has been dangerously dismantling its nuclear deterrent…The longer we wait to build defenses against nuclear attack, the greater the chances that this frightening event will occur in the not-so-distant future. Time is running out.”
I then concluded that,
“America's current political leaders are sowing the seeds of our own destruction by unilaterally disarming our nation's nuclear might, even while Russia increases the effectiveness of theirs and China increases both the size and effectiveness of its conventional and nuclear arsenal, a buildup which is being funded by the United States, U.S. companies, and made possible with U.S. technology. Thanks to the Clinton Administration's suicidal policy of 'constructive engagement', the United States is building Communist China into a military superpower whose armed might may one day surpass our own, even while we continue to deliberately fund and otherwise facilitate the modernization of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.”
Most national security experts seemed blissfully unaware of this threat then as now despite evidence that this new Sino-Russian axis would swiftly bring an end to America’s “unipolar moment” which was proclaimed in 1992 by Francis Fukuyama in his book “The End of History and the Last Man” essentially expressing his sense that with the demise of the Soviet Union, the bipolar international order had been replaced by a unipolar international order led by the United States. By 1997, Russia, China and India had joined together in calling for the formation of a multipolar international order in which global hegemony was shared by the U.S. and themselves. In this book, I warned that the Russian nuclear threat did not magically go away with the collapse of the Soviet Union and that continued U.S. unilateral nuclear disarmament would inevitably result in increasing Russian nuclear superiority over the U.S.
At the time they first joined together in a strategic partnership forming the Shanghai Five, signing a dozen agreements on military, technological and economic cooperation in April 1996, Russia seemed to be the more dominant partner with a far superior nuclear arsenal and more advanced military than China. At that time, Beijing was still reeling from the U.S. sending the Nimitz aircraft carrier battle group through the Taiwan Strait in December 1995 following Chinese live fire ballistic missile tests meant to intimidate Taiwan from electing a pro-independence party president, causing the PRC to call off its military intimidation campaign.
Chinese leaders understood that they needed Russian help to enable them to credibly threaten US aircraft carrier battle groups with destruction to prevent them from sailing through the strait, which China has long viewed as its territorial waters again. Accordingly, they turned to Moscow to provide increasing amounts of advanced military technology and even advanced nuclear missile technology to assist it in a massive military buildup designed to help it meet and exceed U.S. military power. At the same time, China sought and obtained trillions of dollars in Western investment, subsidies and unilateral free trade transferring millions of high-paying manufacturing jobs, tens of thousands of high-tech industries from the U.S. to the PRC to massively expand its economy by over 2,000 percent during the last two decades alone. The purpose of its economic expansion was single-minded to enable it to build the greatest military the world had ever seen, enabling it to use both military and economic coercion to pressure every nation on the planet to purse pro-Chinese policies and thereby replace the U.S.-led world order with a world order led by Beijing and Moscow. Since Russia and China have aligned against us, we have seen that this strategy has enabled the PRC to transform itself from a third world military power, essentially a much larger version of North Korea with obsolescent weapons two or three decades in technology behind our own, into arguably the mightiest military power on Earth with a nuclear arsenal, army, navy, coast guard, economy, and industrial manufacturing base much larger than our own today.
For the past thirty years, the U.S. has pursued a provocative foreign policy of inserting U.S. military forces along Russia’s and China’s borders causing them to ally against us. Despite the increasing risk of a two-front war waged by Russia in Eastern Europe and China in Taiwan and the South China Sea, U.S. military leaders have testified to Congress that the U.S. currently has no contingency plans for how to defeat two nuclear superpowers fighting together against us. In addition to pursuing a reckless policy of unilateral nuclear disarmament in the face of a massive Russian and Chinese nuclear buildup, U.S. leaders have failed to build a comprehensive national missile defense system and have failed to harden America’s national electric power grid from the existential threat of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. The use of super-EMP and cyber weapons at the onset of any conflict with Russia and China could shut down America’s electrical power grid, critical infrastructure, food and water distribution system, internet, communications, emergency services and military early-warning satellites while blinding us against subsequent attacks. The U.S. nuclear Command, Control and Communications (C3) system might also be vulnerable to cyberattack, potentially disrupting the President’s ability to launch a nuclear retaliatory strike.
The increasing nuclear imbalance between the U.S. and the Sino-Russian alliance, stemming from Russia’s and China’s massive nuclear buildup, has put the credibility of the U.S. nuclear arsenal in question, making the threat of nuclear aggression on the U.S. greater than ever before. Due to U.S. failure to rebuild, let alone modernize, America’s aging nuclear arsenal in response, the Sino-Russian alliance is on track to attaining nuclear supremacy over the U.S. within the next one to three years. This could enable America’s nuclear superpower enemies to attack U.S. allies, blackmail or coerce U.S. leaders to do their bidding or even to engage in a catastrophic attack on the U.S. homeland with comparatively little fear of an effective U.S. military response. Despite these disturbing developments, most U.S. policymakers remain largely oblivious to the increasing risk of a Sino-Russian cyber/EMP/nuclear attack on the U.S. homeland, mistakenly believing that the U.S. remains the strongest military power on Earth. U.S. leaders have done virtually nothing to protect U.S. citizens against these existential threats and so long as they do not take the increasing chance of a rapid U.S. defeat seriously, they are unlikely to take the difficult steps needed to prevent such a defeat.
The purpose of this report is to educate U.S. policymakers and our citizens regarding existential threats and what must be done to credibly deter America’s nuclear superpower adversaries without provoking an unnecessary Third World War, which our great nation likely would not survive. This report is divided into six sections. The first three deal with deterring and defending against the existential threats we face from the Sino-Russian military alliance including several recommended measures as to how we might greatly increase the credibility of our strategic nuclear arsenal within a matter of weeks. The last three concern recommended strategies and solutions to avert an unnecessary Third World War with Russia and China including extricating the U.S. from the Ukraine war debacle and ending the immediate threat of Russian nuclear escalation, implementing a new, far less risky and provocative national security strategy for America that matches our means.
Recent Media Interviews:
(Editor’s Note: I am reposting the following three interviews as my last substack post was sent out with multiple errors due to major technical issues with the website that prevented me from being able to post normally for two weeks. As of last week, all technical issues have been fully resolved.)
March 20th--Worldview Weekend Hour Hosted by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV discussing the Putin-Xi summit this week in Moscow, North Korean nuclear missile threats against the US, the increasing threats of Russian and Chinese cyber and EMP attack and the looming threat of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Here is a link to the interview.
March 22nd--Worldview Weekend Hour Hosted by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV discussing what Chinese President Xi told Russian President Putin in Moscow and the increasing threat of a crippling Sino-Russian cyber-space first strike against the U.S. Here is a link to the interview.
March 29th--Worldview Weekend Hour Hosted by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV discussing our new book. “Catastrophe Now—America’s Last Chance to Protect against EMP Attack” much of which I wrote. Here is a link to the interview.
April 5th—Stew Peters Show discussing Biden’s latest Ukrainian military aid package, the dumping of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and why Biden’s war against Russia in Ukraine has proven to be an unmitigated geopolitical disaster for the U.S. as well as for Ukraine itself.
April 6th—Canadian Prepper Podcast discussing the increasing threat of war with Communist China and North Korea with China mobilizing their entire country and economy for war as well as China’s Great Underground Wall. Here is a link to this important interview:
April 7th--I spoke at the Firm Foundation Expo which was held at the Mountain America Expo Center (MAEC) 9575 S. State Street in Sandy, Utah. Here is a link to my presentation.
April 8th—Interview with Jon Twitchell on the Republic Broadcasting Network to discuss the increasing threat of war with Russia over Ukraine and with China over Taiwan. Here is a link to the interview.
Upcoming Media Interviews:
April 12th—Worldview Weekend Hour Hosted by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV discussing “Catastrophe Now—America’s Last Chance to Protect against EMP Attack” which I co-authored and the ramifications of the recent publication of top-secret documents showing how Ukrainian military has been depleted and how U.S. leaders believe its spring counteroffensive will be a failure.
April 13th—Interview with Greg Allison on his show discussing our new book, “Catastrophe Now—America’s Last Chance to Protect against EMP Attack”
April 14th—Worldview Weekend Hour Hosted by Brannon Howse on Lindell TV discussing Russian nuclear warfighting exercises off their Pacific Coast, North Korean nuclear ICBM tests and the threat of a G5-class super geomagnetic storm later this year or next year during the solar maximum.
April 17th—Interview with Paul Mills on his Off-Grid Farming show discussing our new book, “Catastrophe Now—America’s Last Chance to Protect against EMP Attack”
© David T. Pyne 2023
David T. Pyne, Esq. is a former U.S. Army combat arms and Headquarters staff officer, who was in charge of armaments cooperation with the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas from 2000-2003, with an M.A. in National Security Studies from Georgetown University. He currently serves as Deputy Director of National Operations for the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and is a contributor to Dr. Peter Pry’s book “Blackout Warfare.” He recently co-authored the new book, “Catastrophe Now--America’s Last Chance to Avoid an EMP Disaster." He also serves as the Editor of “The Real War” newsletter at and as a contributor to “The National Interest”. Here is a link to his interview archive. He may be reached at
I wonder what the idiot traitos making a million dollars a year from the military industrial complex will do when their mansions have turned to rubble…
Excellent interview on this morning David, stay the course you and yours ar in our daily prayers. Ordering the book now. God bless you!