"One Country Two Systems.” Such an agreement would guarantee Taiwan a high degree of autonomy, self-governance under Kuomintang (KMT) Party leadership, political and religious rights, amnesty for all pro-independence leaders and military servicemembers along with the right to emigrate."

One problem with such - Communist China cannot be trusted.

This One Country , Two Systems is precisely what was agreed between Britain & China in 1997 over Hong Kong. Was meant to hold for 50 years.

Look where we are now Hong Kong side. Pro Independence leaders arrested, Democracy shut down, Communist party rule extended, protests crushed.

War is coming. Sadly an inevitability. And the West is weak.

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Yes I am aware of that. But China honored its agreement for two decades and its likely they would end up honoring some though not all of the provisions of the agreement long-term. Its far from an ideal situation but if we negotiated a reunification agreement with the PRC life would be far better for the people of Taiwan than if China had to invade and annex it by force at the cost of tens of thousands of PLA soldiers in which case they would likely be much more brutal to Taiwanese leaders and the Taiwanese people.

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" But China honored its agreement for two decades"

Not good enough.

Agreement was for 50 years.

Communist China cannot be trusted.

China needs to be faced down NOW, whilst it is relatively weak. Another 20,30 years they will be more powerful, their military more advanced.

War with Communist China is inevitable imo.

They've a massive advantage purely on a numbers front (as Korea showed for example, they've still the same mentality of chucking 'numbers' at the problem)

Taiwan's fall is inevitable too. The US wont risk nuclear war over a far flung territory once its repatriated semi conduction manufacturing to mainland USA.

And the brutality that will be administered to the Taiwanese people will be harsh, however the Island is re-incorporated into the mainland. Because thats how Communists are. Cruel. And life matters little to them as there as so many of them.

One hopes PRC's demographic timebomb and economic problems coincide and the country implodes because a world with CHINA as global policeman will be cruel and brutal. And doesn't bear thinking about.

I say this as someone who lived in Hong Kong for 10 years, a year before handover, and 9 after as the freedoms gradually eroded. I left in 2008 and its been a rapid downhill descent since then on freedom front.

Personally if there is to be a world war it shouldn't be against Russia but against the Chinese.

We live in interesting times as they say....

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