May 5Liked by David T. Pyne

Don't apologize. Don't explain.

Stand your ground.

Be proud.

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They got you too. Sad to see a good man buckle into an apology. Be proud, still…you’re not the first and you won’t be the last.

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What a load of twaddle!

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David I’m a New Zealander, down here we can be considered at “The furthest corners of the earth”. This Nation has been blessed throughout its whole existence of freedom from the kinds of threats you in America and Israel have to deal with. We NZ’s are very grateful for Americans who defended us against Japanese in WW11.

I was also a volunteer (yes I am a Gentile) in the Yom Kippur War and have had an ongoing Ministry with Israel and Jewish people in the Diaspora ever since. I came to faith in that time. I was willing then to lose my life to defend Israel and still am to this day.

In your message above you make it very clear you are also “a brother in the same faith as I am”. Hence the comment I am about to make.

In your own deliberations on what could or should happen to bring about “Peace in with Israel and the surrounding Nations who never stop shouting their agenda is the total destruction of Israel off the map” please do not lose sight ever of the clear outline of what is coming on Israel as detailed throughout all of Scripture. Both in the First and Second Covenants. Scripture spells it out in detail Israel will “Never be at peace with the World” except for a brief span when by deception they agree to the Satanic plan briefly controlling World affairs. Israel has great deal of bloodshed ahead. Worse than in the first Holocaust.

To be a true Believer, we must never lose sight of what has been emphatically stated in Scripture.

If you want to know why I used the word “Believer” in the sentence above, it is because I don’t allow myself to be described as “Christian” in these times. For reason that title has become so blurred and confused it does not any longer mean what it did in the Apostolic times described in the Book of Acts.

Please do pray about what I have written for our Lord’s confirmation I am writing correctly.

Blessings brother. 🙏


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Extract of previous writings -

Remember being an Anti - Zionist is NOT being Antisemitic in any way shape or form one is a State the other is a Religion and People, conflating the two is pure propaganda and believing the two are the same is pure ignorance. Israel is not the homeland of Jews it is a Holy land for Jews as it is with many other religions. Making a state just for one type of person or having certain races of people coined as property or that women are 2/3 a person as America, Canada, Australia all of South America once did to name a few is a Apartheid State Just like Old South Africa did. Israel coined the Palestinians as Human Animals by that statement alone they are a Apartheid State.

https://www.worldhistory.org/Doctrine_of_Discovery/ The Torah is NOT a Land Deed and a Rabbi and the Israeli Government are not a Realtor. Make NO mistake Israel needs to be treated the same way old South Africa was!

What the United Nations Needs and What the United States Needs To Do So Desperately - If they want to continue to be a impartial De facto Ruler of the World!

Improvement of the near powerless United Nations so it is more fair for all and Getting Rid of Global Lobby Groups that do not serve Peace or the Environment of Human Existence.

What the United Nations Needs:

Improving the near powerless United Nations so it is more fair for all and Getting Rid of Global Lobby Groups that do not serve Peace or the Environment of Human Existence. If what is described below can NOT be done then the United Nations needs to be dissolved like the League of Nations and reconstituted it as the New United Nations.

Example of powerless United Nations and How many dead since this U.N. vote? https://twitter.com/UN_News_Centre/status/1717992371906839005https://twitter.com/UN_News_Centre/status/1717992371906839005/photo/2 Where is the power in this?

HOW ABOUT A GLOBAL LOBBY GROUP TO GET RID OF LOBBY GROUPS? Starting with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States This can't be good for the world at large as indicated in these three books: https://archive.org/details/antony-loewenstein-the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-exports-the-technology-of/mode/1up?view=theater and https://archive.org/details/the-israel-lobby-and-u.-s.-foreign-policy and https://archive.org/details/palestine00jimm

I say the world because America claims to be a world leader but does NOT act like one when Israel is involved. One country's Veto Vote, Vetoes world opinion of 2/3 of 193 countries and the other 14 members of the U.N. security Council. This can't be right in any way shape or form. How democratic is that?

Maybe single Veto Votes are abused too often since the end of the cold war and Maybe the Best way forward is just simply a 2/3 majority to pass with NO "veto" votes. Or if a "Veto" vote is Necessary ALL five permanent members have to agree to a "so-called" veto, but even that seems pointless. THIS IS NOT the League of Nations or Concert Of Europe Controlled by Colonial Powers of the Berlin Conference era any more, that Boycotted Japan, that caused WW2 in the Pacific and Axis powers to form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_of_Europe and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Conference

P.S. These links should be required reading for your readers: http://www.thehypertexts.com/Albert%20Einstein%201948%20Letter%20New%20York%20Times%20Nakba.htm


What The United States Desperately Needs Part 1

HOW ABOUT A LOBBY GROUP TO GET RID OF LOBBY GROUPS? Starting with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States This can't be good for the world at large as indicated in these three books: https://archive.org/details/antony-loewenstein-the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-exports-the-technology-of/mode/1up?view=theater and https://archive.org/details/the-israel-lobby-and-u.-s.-foreign-policy and https://archive.org/details/palestine00jimm

I say the world because America claims to be a world leader but does NOT act like one when Israel is involved. One contrary's Veto Vote, Vetoes world opinion of 2/3 of 193 countries and the other 14 members of the U.N. security Council. This can't be right in any way shape or form.

Maybe single Veto Votes are abused too often since the end of the cold war and Maybe the Best way forward is just simply a 2/3 majority to pass with NO veto votes. Or if a Veto vote is Necessary ALL five permanent members have to agree to veto, but even that seems pointless. THIS IS NOT the League of Nations or Concert Of Europe Controlled by Colonial Powers of the Berlin Conference era any more, that Boycotted Japan, that caused WW2 in the Pacific and Axis powers to form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_of_Europe and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Conferenc

What The United States Desperately Needs Part 2

I am from Canada and many years ago there was a man named Tommy Douglas he was the head of a provincial party in Saskatchewan the CCF https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-operative_Commonwealth_Federation and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Douglas.

Tommy was later encouraged to become the head of the NDP party. The two major parties are still the Liberals much like your old time post 1962 Democrats and the Conservatives much like your old time Pre Trump Republicans.

Maybe our brothers to the South just need a smart and articulate third party to force the change like Tommy did for national Health Care in Canada? That is also could be part of this new party's platform. In addition, implement Roosevelt's second bill of rights- better late than never.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Bill_of_Rights https://jan.ucc.nau.edu/cgg/Second%20Bill%20of%20Rights%20FDR%201944.pdf

I say change because previously there were very powerful lobbies in Canada, mainly the big banks at the time. Then the lobby and campaign donations laws changed under pressure from the NDP. Maybe some of these laws could be drafted in the context of the United States and be part of a platform for a new independent party with someone like a young Bernie Sanders type to be the head of it and have old Bernie Sanders join it? The party would be centre Left but NO extreme lefties or crazies. Abolishing AIPAC as a foreign lobby group and the ADL as they do not serve all ethnic and non ethnic minorities like the ACLU does would be part of the party platform as well.

Just an idea for you folks in America since you want to be de facto rulers of the world: The new party head does not have to field themselves as a Presidential Candidate but more of a critic to them acting more like an unelected House Leader and Senate Majority type combined into one person. The party's objective is to bring public awareness and positive change to the American Public and World at large of any White House Administration or the other two parties faults while publicly offering them suggestions. There is then NO of campaign donations or rather the lack of them to getting elected, so the party is impartial and concentrates on the elections in the House of Representatives and the Senate and one day it may hold a majority in both.

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that's the history as told by the israelis.... ... you lose credibility big time.... its so easy to see the nation of israel as a people without a land used its influence to steal a land occupied for thousands of years by another people..... no need to discuss this further

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Well I guess 22000 is nothing ..right?

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No its a big deal and I have repeatedly denounced Netanyahu for committing war crimes against Gaza civilians.

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I don't care about your fuzzy numbers, this is genocide!

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Un twitt haut gradé!

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because of the genocide by israel of palestinian civilians including women and children... the eyes of the people are open to the dominant nature of jews... 90% of israelis think they are being too gentle on the palestinians.... thru-out history they have been expelled for what they have done to the host population... as some have said looks like they are setting themselves up for replay but where will they go? probably the land of Ukraine will be cleared and they will return to a prior homeland... since they control US foreign policy and congress.... we will clear the land and provide them the resources to rebuild their new homeland....

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I think the evidence indicates Israel has bombed or starved 22,000 Gazan civilians. That's not genocide but it could become genocide if it continues over a long period of time. We have to support an immediate cease-fire to end the death and destruction in Gaza that protects both Israel's security interests and addresses the humanitarian concerns about its treatment of Palestinian civilians.

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May 4Liked by David T. Pyne

I applaud your last post, David - it is quite clear and concise. Further, like another commentator, I don't think this "clarification" was necessary. By now your readers should know precisely where you stand, and I am proud to stand beside you.

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May 4·edited May 4Author

That is high praise coming from a veritable Cold War hero such as yourself! I am proud to stand with you as well! I support doing what is right for America and in support of the rights to life and liberty granted to all mankind by our Creator.

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look at what the leaders of israel have said and continue to say about their intent.... its genocide... its criminal to defend them.... and people are waking up to this....

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I think Israel has made clear its intent to ethnically cleanse Gaza of most of its Palestinian population which is just as wrong as Arab calls for Israel to be ethnically cleansed of its Jews.

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IF WE LOOK AT THE HISTORY OF PAST 70 YRS OR SO.... your 'even=handed' view is biased towards israel and against the local population... had they been a peaceful people and not engaged in a long genocide against the local people.. would we have much of any violence today? doubtful....

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Well don't be too sure. It was not Israel that started the War of 1948 aimed to ethnically cleanse all Jews from Israel and wipe the State of Israel off the map. It was the Arab states and tragically, it was the Palestinians that have paid the highest price for that before which they had a lot more territory under their control. That said, I will not stop defending the innocent civilian victims in Gaza and am calling on US leaders to suspend all further military aid to Israel until Israel ends the war and lifts their starvation blockade against Gaza.

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the point I would make is those who stand up for israel... we really can't trust them....

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What the hell is Genocide then?

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Genocide is targeting a group of people for death or destruction based on their race, ethnicity or nationality as Hitler did to over five million Jews during WW2. Israel is trying to force Gazans to leave Gaza by starving them into submission. To date this policy has caused the deaths of 22,000 civilians. I would say if Israel starves over 100,000 civilians than it would be genocide.

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Do you promise to call it a genocide when the murder toll reaches 100,000?

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Yes I do.

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Numbers mean nothing when thousands of people die.

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100.000 If this were happening in an Arab country against a Christian minority would it still be 1000. I don't think so!

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Remember when George Bush invaded Iraq and allowed Iraq's new Iranian proxy Shiite leaders to mass murder or ethnically cleanse 1.2 million Iraqi Christians from Iraq and burn down their churches while forcing their daughters into prostitution in Syria? Bush didn't lift a finger to help the Christians being killed in Iraq. Neither did Obama and I can guarantee Biden wouldn't either. That was arguably genocide though I have yet to see a reliable total of Christians mass murdered by the Shiites.

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Exactly which evidence indicates Israel has starved 22,000 Gazan civilians? They immediately cut off food water and power to the entire strip of 2.1m residents.

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Gaza's Ministry of Health has reported over 34,000 civilian deaths from the Gaza war to date. Israel claims one-third of those are Hamas fighters leaving approximately 22,666 civilians nearly all of which are women and children. Meanwhile, the war has been a humanitarian catastrophe resulting in 90% of the population becoming refugees. The US must take decisive action to end it.

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Thanks for acknowledging Israel’s absurd assertion that every Gazan male is Hamas.

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You make a valid point. If its true that nearly all of the civilian casualties are women and children, then it would stand to reason that not all of the 11,000 killed Israel claims are Hamas are in fact Hamas fighters given that Hamas fighters were less than 2% of Gaza's pre-war population.

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And the point never occurred to you? Is this what your training in the military was as well? That all males must be treated like enemy combatants?

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deletedMay 4
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its nice when people reveal themselves then they need to move to the enemies side in a more honest and visible manner

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