Dec 16, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

Excellent analysis. Even though many of us have often found Skousen's views very accurate on a number of subjects, he's completely out in left field in his views of Russia, Ukraine, and the 2014 coup. Today, Skousen often sounds like Robert Kagan or Victoria Nuland.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

Very good rebuttal. Any idea how many Joel was presenting to?

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

I was left confused and perplexed, that Skousen would support continuing to prop-up funding for the Ukraine/ Russia war.

Truly not sure on what his end game is with this type of reasoning.

I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water but am left wondering about his judgement in general.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

Thank you David, for your piece on Joel Skousen, and link to his address. I always find such links and analyses invaluable, as all of us are in danger of creating our own echo chambers. (with your own work I'm in a comfortable place, simply because I don't agree with all of your arguments! ;) )

So I listened to as much of his address as I could before moving to your analysis. I didn't get very far, as his methodology (especially his apparently total, yet IMO unnecessary, reliance to that point on the deep state) for me fatally wounded his arguments. Any theory that explains everything, explains nothing. :)

Therefore I'd go further than yourself and suggest that Mr Skousen has gotten not only some of his facts wrong, but also at least some of his methodology.

OT, I'm interested in your alt-history of WW2, if it's still plausible (given that there can't be much previously secret material that hasn't by now been released).

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

You might be interested in my new book, Nuclear High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse: A Mortal Threat to the U.S. Power Grid and U.S. Nuclear Power Plants. https://www.amazon.com/Nuclear-High-Altitude-Electromagnetic-Pulse-Mortal/dp/8793987358/ref=sr_1_1?crid=30U6BE5YWBUHX&keywords=steven+starr&qid=1702706846&sprefix=steven+starr%2Caps%2C360&sr=8-1

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Haha! He didn't tell me that. So that means Joel Skousen gets the last word on my rebuttal to his misleading claims lol!

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I find much to support on both sides. However, your (and others) argument about not supporting Ukraine due to increased risk of nuclear war to be disingenuous.

Putin is a delusional pig. With that as a starting point how is Ukraine’s fighting using western moneys BUT NOT OUR BOOTS ON THE GROUND worse than letting him start FROM UKRAINE into NATO member states. Because that is where his delusional reading would lead. That is far more likely in my mind if the current situation if the west fails to do what is necessary. Christ almighty, slow walking support has things stalled. NEVER THE LESS IT IS THE BEST DOLLAR VALUE INVESTMENT IN SECURITY WE HAVE EVER MADE. Is Ukraine perfect, hell no. But the changes from 2014 to today are marked. Get them into the EU as a starting point now.

Respectfully to all parties

Lyle Dokken

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If Skousen is up to the challenge, I'd love to see a one-on-one debate on the merits between you two David!

Front row seat please.

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