Measuring the costs of America's 16-year long attempt to expand its liberal empire into Ukraine on the war's 2-year anniversary following Biden's refusal to negotiate peace with no end in sight.
There is some good news with respect to our foreign policy at the state level. Arizona just passed SB1121, the Defend The Guard Act. As a reminder, it prohibits the governor from releasing members of a state's National Guard without a formal declaration of war. The Military Industrial Complex relies heavily on National Guard troops to carry out its operations overseas. I view Defend The Guard as a proxy EMP protection bill because with enough states withholding National Guard members until Congress declares war, the national legislature will have to rethink its hawkish foreign policy. This will open the door to adopting a realist and restrained approach to foreign policy. Once such an approach is adopted, the U.S. will be able to avoid war with the Sino-Russian Alliance and be able to harden it's utility infrastructure, particularly the electrical grid, from EMP attacks. The Arizona Senate also passed SB1301, which requires electricity producers to consider the risks of EMP attacks and take measures to secure a continuous supply of electricity. It doesn't go as far you or I would want it to go, but it's better than nothing. It is now sitting in the Arizona State House awaiting a vote.
SB1121 is now in Arizona's House Military Affairs & Public Safety Committee. For any of your readers in Arizona, here are phone numbers for the members of the committee:
Seth Blattman (Member)
John Gillette (Member)
Laurin Hendrix (Member)
Rachel Jones (Vice-Chair)
Charles W. Lucking (Member)
David Marshall, Sr. (Member)
Cory McGarr (Member)
Quang H. Nguyen (Member)
Kevin Payne (Chair)
Mae Peshlakai (Member)
Marcelino Quiñonez (Member)
Stacey Travers (Member)
Myron Tsosie (Member)
Justin Wilmeth (Member)
The Arizona Legislature is in session until April 20. I would also encourage all of your readers, no matter where they live, to sign up for this phone bank:
The Defend The Guard group says this year will be the year Defend The Guard will become law in state legislatures, but that only happens if the people in those states get on the playing field, and tell their local elected officials they want this bill passed.
As far as defeating the Soviet Union during World War II, there’s an excellent thesis projected in RHS Stolfi’s “Hitler’s Panzers East” published some years ago. Stolfi’s - Professor Emeritus of Military History @ the US Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California - thesis is that Germany could have taken Moscow in August 1941 with its paper-thin defenses/forces & that would have - most likely - ended the war. In the summer of 1941 Hitler had “The A-Team” in @ both Army Group North (General Ritter von Leeb) as well as Army Group Centre (Field Marshal Fedor von Bock with General Heinz Guderian in charge of the armor) & working together in a classic “sichelschnitt” (scissor cut) they could have enveloped Moscow by late August ‘41. Stolfi’s posits that holding up Army Groups North & Centre to allow Army Group South to catch up (then under the command of General Gerd von Runstedt) was the game changing, war losing decision by everybody’s favorite Austrian corporal. By the time the drive on Moscow was resumed (Operation Taifun) in October’41 it was too late; Moscow had been massively reinforced, T-34 tanks were rolling off assembly lines in huge numbers, & German logistics was stretched nigh its breaking point.
We’ll never know of course but it’s a fascinating read. The Soviet Union could have continued the war of course - a’la 1812 - but the major difference is that Moscow was/is a massive rail hub for the rest of the country. The one thing think it fair to conclude is that had Moscow fallen that probably would have been the end of Josef Stalin. He would have been seen as a loser & taken out by either the military or by competitive party members.
I also have this book and found the argument that the diversion to Ukraine gave Moscow critical time to prepare defenses to be persuasive.
German generals ate a dinner prepared for Russian leaders who had to flee into Moscow, but the season was too late. A few weeks would have been critical.
Hello David,
There is some good news with respect to our foreign policy at the state level. Arizona just passed SB1121, the Defend The Guard Act. As a reminder, it prohibits the governor from releasing members of a state's National Guard without a formal declaration of war. The Military Industrial Complex relies heavily on National Guard troops to carry out its operations overseas. I view Defend The Guard as a proxy EMP protection bill because with enough states withholding National Guard members until Congress declares war, the national legislature will have to rethink its hawkish foreign policy. This will open the door to adopting a realist and restrained approach to foreign policy. Once such an approach is adopted, the U.S. will be able to avoid war with the Sino-Russian Alliance and be able to harden it's utility infrastructure, particularly the electrical grid, from EMP attacks. The Arizona Senate also passed SB1301, which requires electricity producers to consider the risks of EMP attacks and take measures to secure a continuous supply of electricity. It doesn't go as far you or I would want it to go, but it's better than nothing. It is now sitting in the Arizona State House awaiting a vote.
SB1121 is now in Arizona's House Military Affairs & Public Safety Committee. For any of your readers in Arizona, here are phone numbers for the members of the committee:
Seth Blattman (Member)
John Gillette (Member)
Laurin Hendrix (Member)
Rachel Jones (Vice-Chair)
Charles W. Lucking (Member)
David Marshall, Sr. (Member)
Cory McGarr (Member)
Quang H. Nguyen (Member)
Kevin Payne (Chair)
Mae Peshlakai (Member)
Marcelino Quiñonez (Member)
Stacey Travers (Member)
Myron Tsosie (Member)
Justin Wilmeth (Member)
The Arizona Legislature is in session until April 20. I would also encourage all of your readers, no matter where they live, to sign up for this phone bank:
The Defend The Guard group says this year will be the year Defend The Guard will become law in state legislatures, but that only happens if the people in those states get on the playing field, and tell their local elected officials they want this bill passed.
Great news! I agree that is an excellent idea to stop US military deployments to theaters of war. We need to get it passed in all fifty states.
As far as defeating the Soviet Union during World War II, there’s an excellent thesis projected in RHS Stolfi’s “Hitler’s Panzers East” published some years ago. Stolfi’s - Professor Emeritus of Military History @ the US Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California - thesis is that Germany could have taken Moscow in August 1941 with its paper-thin defenses/forces & that would have - most likely - ended the war. In the summer of 1941 Hitler had “The A-Team” in @ both Army Group North (General Ritter von Leeb) as well as Army Group Centre (Field Marshal Fedor von Bock with General Heinz Guderian in charge of the armor) & working together in a classic “sichelschnitt” (scissor cut) they could have enveloped Moscow by late August ‘41. Stolfi’s posits that holding up Army Groups North & Centre to allow Army Group South to catch up (then under the command of General Gerd von Runstedt) was the game changing, war losing decision by everybody’s favorite Austrian corporal. By the time the drive on Moscow was resumed (Operation Taifun) in October’41 it was too late; Moscow had been massively reinforced, T-34 tanks were rolling off assembly lines in huge numbers, & German logistics was stretched nigh its breaking point.
We’ll never know of course but it’s a fascinating read. The Soviet Union could have continued the war of course - a’la 1812 - but the major difference is that Moscow was/is a massive rail hub for the rest of the country. The one thing think it fair to conclude is that had Moscow fallen that probably would have been the end of Josef Stalin. He would have been seen as a loser & taken out by either the military or by competitive party members.
Yes I agree. That's one of my favorite books that I read many years ago and it helped inform a never published alternate history manuscript I wrote.
I also have this book and found the argument that the diversion to Ukraine gave Moscow critical time to prepare defenses to be persuasive.
German generals ate a dinner prepared for Russian leaders who had to flee into Moscow, but the season was too late. A few weeks would have been critical.
Yeah it might have changed history if the Soviets had signed a temporary armistice with Hitler lasting a couple years or perhaps even a decade.
Hey ZelenskyY get up on stage and do a drum solo with your dick, like you did years ago in KIEV. Show Ukrainians what they are dying for.
' BS”D The Red Heifer & Israel's Temple