Excellent. Learning more from this than any history class I ever took!

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Your next article, perhaps, should be on what a nuke war might look like. Would it inevitably go the "full monty?" Or once the military assets were taken out, would that be the end. It seems to me that Putin is not interested in being a mass murderer (e.g., Ukraine), and would stop at military assets. This would mean that us poor hoi polloi here in flyover country would have to deal with the demise of infrastructure, but not direct blast effects, unless one were near a miltary base. Thoughts?

Also, would love to see you interviewed by Mike Adams on Natural News!

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I have addressed my views on that in my previous articles. Both Russia and China only target our nuclear bases and DC. That is 13 bases plus 400 ICBM silos so yes direct nuclear effects would likely kill ten million Americans but another couple hundred million would likely die from collapsed infrastructure if the Russians took down our electrical power grid and food and water distribution systems. After a nuclear first strike Russia and China would occupy our coastal regions and Russia would retake Alaska and if they waited several months after a super EMP attack that killed 150-275 million Americans they wouldn't meet with much resistance. I would be happy to be interviewed by Mike if you could put me in touch with him.

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Thanks. I did contact Mike, but unfortunately don't have any special "in" with him. Jeffrey Prather (jeffreyprather.com) former Special Forces and DEA agent turned whistle blower might also be good to offer yourself. I'll email him.

What you write is shades of the Deagel prognostication.

"After a nuclear first strike Russia and China would occupy our coastal regions": Why? With Gov. Hairdo, the Marxists running OR, WA and NY, it already pretty much IS the CCP!!! :-)

Now you know how Martin Niemoller, Deitrich Bonhoeffer, Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov must have felt. What I call this is fasco-Marxism. We know that fascism, as defined by Mussolini in his eponymous 1932 The Doctrine of Fascism (free, here https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf is the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz (whereas Marxism has the state run directly the means of production), so we are fascist in that regard (looks like the Nazis from Operation Paperclip won after all!), yet we are Marxist in terms of cultural Marxism. And here is the vile Schwab with a bust of Lenin in his office 3 second mark, 1:17 mark to 1:30 and 2 min mark or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeXjEQW03uY. Trudeau's "brain," Chrystia Freeland's grandfather, Michael Chomniak was 4 levels down from Hitler, which even the leftist Ottawa Citizen admits https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/chrystia-freelands-granddad-was-indeed-a-nazi-collaborator-so-much-for-russian-disinformation/wcm/df7aa228-84d1-4e2f-a128-28fbd9eed342/ (I am a dual US/Canadian citizen; my wife's cousin was Trudeau's nanny; we also directly knew his minister of heath, Jane Philpott, who went over to the dark side, somehow, after starting out as a missionary doctor - she left after all his Bidenesque financial scandals... leftist SURE love their money, don't they! We also knew very well the top unelected civil servant in Canada, but who is now out on medical leave).

In sum, IMHO, fascism and Marxism are cousins. Yeah, they hate each other.... just like the Hatfields and McCoys, some of whom intermarried. So why did the National **Socialist** German Workers' Party invade the Union of Soviet *Socialist* Republics people ask?? My answer is: Why did the USSR and Mao almost have a full on war at the Ussuri River ~1970, where Brezhnev purportedly went to the US and asked if he nuked Mao, would the US get involved (Nixon said yes, so the war was off). Or why did **communist** China twice invade Communist Vietnam late 1970s/early 80s? After all, they were all communist.

Also, as you know, fascism is nationalist/racism (soil *and* blood), Marxism internationalist. I did two short takes on this here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism

Two quotes come to mind from Tolkein:

I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

“I wonder,” said Frodo, “But I don’t know. And that’s the way of a real tale. Take any one that you’re fond of. You may know, or guess, what kind of a tale it is, happy-ending or sad-ending, but the people in it don’t know.

Blessings to you and your work. As always, the true heroes labour in the shadows and in ignominy. Everyone likes the victory parades... but the true heroes were on places like Guadalcanal ( I was thinking of John Basilone the other day https://mohmuseum.org/medal_of_honor/john-basilone/ who went BACK to fight after he could have stayed on tour selling war bonds); we also need partial victories. I now have a 2,000 pp, probably 10k footnote paper on the Covid gene therapy shot. We are seeing some "draws" now, such as Aseem Malhotra, perhaps Britains top doc, coming out agains the shot. Churchill said "... not even the beginning of the end, but perhaps the end of the beginning." I hope we are there. Or, everyone glories in Midway. But to get to Midway we had to have the draw of the Battle of Coral Sea, or the Battle of Sunda Strait.

Of course Midway, similar to George Washington's "miracle fog" crossing the river in NYC, was FULL of Providential occurrences, dovetailed with massive amount of courage (think VT-8 squadron at Midway; think the courage paired with providence sighting the destroyer Arashi heading back to the main Japanese fleet right as as the Douglas dive bombers were running out of fuel.

May God grant us a similar miracle today, out of His grace. The truth is, the majority of the population do NOT support these fasco-Marxists in power, and neither the selected not elected president nor fake governor Hobbs in AZ.

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I appreciate you contacting them on my behalf. ! I would be happy to be interviewed on both of their podcasts. When the US has been destroyed, what could be more prestigious than Russia and China taking over our coastal military bases and ports? China, of course, has had a plan since 2005 at least revealed by a former Chinese Defense Minister to depopulate the US by 50-65% and then to import over 200 million Chinese immigrants to colonize the US and Canada and establish a "New China" ruled by the CCP with ethnic Chinese as the ruling class. Yes the Fascists and the Marxists are almost indistinguishable these days are both are on the far left of the authoritarian political spectrum. Biden is a Marxist with fascist tendencies and Trudeau is the same. Both appear to be controlled assets of the PRC elected with the aid of Chinese electoral interference.

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Thank you so much David for putting this out chronologically, explaining what options were available at the time(s) and in language that even I can understand! When you read the past war events one by one, it is shocking.

Most of us are just struggling with the everyday financial pressures and are just so caught up in our own little worlds that one does not often realize what is developing right before our eyes.

Sadly, reason continues to be taking a back seat, despite this clear and disastrous military track record.

With things coming to a head on so many war fronts, perhaps it is indeed time to do a health check on one's own spiritual life, as it's the one thing we can put in order and have any control over.

I guess it's true what they say: "We were all born ignorant but to remain so requires hard work".

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Yes it is shocking! What is most shocking is that US leaders have failed to learn from history which is that negotiated settlements to end wars shortly after they begin or prevent them from ever breaking out in the first place can save hundreds of millions of lives. You would think that saving the lives of a couple hundred millions of Americans would be a matter of supreme concern to US leaders but their dangerous and reckless foreign policies strongly suggests they are more concerned with the lives and defense of other countries and have little to no concern for our own.

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So... the major difference today, as I understand it, is we are now sparing with a Nuclear Superpower that possesses superior military strategic superiority over the U.S on numerous levels? Yet....despite the US military obviously realizing this fact they continue to avoid any negotiations? How the hec does this make any sense. A death wish?

My personal belief is that the Russians believe they could ultimately survive a WW3 scenario, hence concern. I have heard they possess an intricate fortified extensive bunker system that could house every living Russian soul.

Putin appears to have shown great restraint on limiting civilian casualties thus far but just how much longer will the Russian people and Putin's patience prevail, as more and more Countries participate in this current war David?

At what point does this shift from a Proxy War to full-on WW3?

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That's correct. Russia has about twice as many strategic nuclear weapons than the US has and nearly four and a half times more operational nuclear weapons than the US has overall. They believe they could fight and win a nuclear war against the US and they very well may be correct in this assumption given that they possess 225 times more land based ABMs than the US currently deploys. We know they have sufficient blast shelters for at least 40% of their population. The war in Ukraine is already shifting from a proxy war to a direct war between Russia and NATO with the rise in US and NATO sabotage attacks on Russian targets inside Russia itself. The more Biden continues to escalate his war against Russia in Ukraine, the greater the chance that World War Three will breakout. Biden has been crossing Putin's redlines from the first weapons shipment he sent to Ukraine nearly a year ago. It is difficult to say at one point Putin would be provoked to engage in a massive attack against us but I would say it would be if the US sends a significant number of combat troops in proximity to Russian forces in Ukraine or tries to impose a no-fly zone over western Ukraine.

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So what on earth is the desired end game here?

If these military stats are accurate why flirt with utter annihilation, when the outcome is so obvious? If this thing goes south there won't be anyone left to govern.

When Russia does make their final push in the coming days, with the confirmed expected number of overwhelming troops, then what? Surely these "great minds" our illustrious Politicians, Leaders and Generals must be considering the end game. Or will they just continue to forge ahead and when the time of reconning comes simply be ushered to their prepped bunkers leaving the rest of us to our inevitable demise?

I'll continue to pray but given what is unfolding I am afraid there is little hope left for common sense to kick in. It does not get any more serious than this folks. WAKE UP!

So much for playing a game of three-dimensional chess. Seems more like pin the tail on the Donkey.

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The end game of the Biden regime with is war against Russia in Ukraine is unclear except to weaken Russia and teach Putin a lesson that only the US is allowed to invade other countries as we did in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. I have been denouncing their Ukraine war policy as one of national suicide because they are provoking Russia to attack and potentially destroy the US but the folks in charge of the regime don't seem to understand the risks involved mistakenly believing that the US can attack Russia with cyber and kinetic sabotage attacks but they would not dare attack us. If I were Putin I would have attacked the US several months ago in a major way. The fact that he hasn't shows how much more rational and restrained he is, much more so than I would have believed before the war. We don't have any great minds in the Biden administration. General Milley and CIA Director William Burns are the only rational thinkers in the regime but they are not in positions to influence policy. The others are fools and idiots flirting with catastrophe. Biden even admitted that we are closer to nuclear Armageddon than we have been in the last 61 years because he says he has failed to give Putin a diplomatic exit ramp in Ukraine but then blows it off and spends most of his time on vacation. I fear that thanks to Biden, America is living on borrowed time. I can only hope that he is more sensible when it comes to the coming Chinese attack against Taiwan. He has stated he would defend Taiwan militarily four times but given the fact we know he is a controlled asset of the CCP, I highly doubt he would do so. Let's hope the PRC assumes he would stay out of the war as well. Lastly, there are no underground bunkers in the US that are sufficiently protected against nuclear attack. Cheyenne Mountain is the only one that comes close so many top US leaders will end up sharing the fate of our citizens in the event they end up being successful in their ongoing efforts to provoke a nuclear apocalypse.

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Ha...you think it is IRONIC that NATO has become the primary vehicle clamoring for war with Russia? Heavens...a government agency trying to make sure its existence is guaranteed...who'da thunk of it!

It is a Burisma war. Russia in Kiev will release the files about Hunter...and ZelenskY, who has access to the documents now, has blackmailed Biden to the tune of 100 Billion.

I forget...what part of the North Atlantic is Turkey on?

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