Oct 7, 2022Liked by David T. Pyne

yes - you should be honoured to be on this list of peace prize winners - keep at it - jeff

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Thanks! Yeah I feel the same way. If being a champion of peace means that the Ukrainian government hates me and the Russians view me in a positive light so be it. Just goes to show which country is more committed to peace and which is not.

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Mentioning the illegal 'referenda' as a ground for the annexation is a support of criminal act. By the way, there have been no referenda about annexing Ukraine's territory among the Russians in Russia itself: basically, nobody asks Russians' opinion on any matter.

Stay away of Russia and Ukraine, deal with your.

I am a Russian living in Russia and your texts talking about Putin's war in Ukraine reveals you an enemy of regular Russians and of Russia, not only of Ukraine.

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"Just goes to show which country is more committed to peace and which is not." Reminder: Russia carefully planned, invaded and is waging the bloody war on Ukraine, for the second time: the first time it invaded Ukraine early morning 20 Feb 2014 starting from Crimea then expended the hybrid war to other Ukr regions.

You are not a champion of peace. You just go with ceding Ukraine's territory, to appease Putin. Cede what's yours, cede Utah to Putin in exchange for his withdrawal from Ukraine, Ukraine is not yours.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by David T. Pyne

Sadly common sense is not that common. Please continue to be that voice in the wilderness. I'll never understand why so many seek war and refuse to open their hearts and minds to compromise. Time to set pride aside.

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Yes it is!

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That’s easy. It’s the $$$$$

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No. David T Pyne just repeats the Kremlin narratives and lies about Ukraine. He either does not understand what he says, or he is promoting what the Kremlin wants.

There can be no peace with the Russian forces being on the Ukr territories, because Russia will continue waging the war after regrouping and refueling in one-five years. One must be completely absent of reality not to understand that. Only defeat to the Z army and humiliation to Putin will ensure long standing peace in Europe.

Needless to mention that Pyne's mention of the illegal 'referenda' as a ground for the annexation is just a support of criminal acts, just like anything else Pyne says. Note that there have been no referendum about annexing Ukraine's territory in Russia itself: basically, nobody asks Russians' opinion on any matter.

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You are mistaken. I stated in my articles that I believe the Russian referenda in the four Ukrainian oblasts were fraudulent. Unfortunately, there is zero chance that Ukraine can expel Russian forces from the newly annexed territories so we have to save as much of Ukraine as possible with a cease fire and armistice agreement. All Zelensky had to do to prevent the Russian invasion of Ukraine was to agree to modify Ukraines constitution to say that it would never join NATO and implement the Minsk 2 accords. Then Ukraine would be whole and free

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

Yup....that pretty much sums it up.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

Sometimes we find ourselves walking through life blindfolded, and we try to deny that we're the ones who securely tied the knot.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

Initially I too viewed this needless war probably in much the same lens as you Valerii, wondering how and why such a powerful country as Russia would "invade" its neighbor. My wife is of Ukrainian background, and we have several albeit distant connections there as well.

We have since however immersed ourselves listening to knowledgably people ( David Pyne's credentials will take you a while to get through) on this sensitive subject matter. It was after much history reading and considering a multitude of voices on this subject that we now know what is really going on in Ukraine...and more importantly WHO is driving the train.

My recommendations would be for you to please consider checking out reading anything from Scott Ritter or Douglas MacGregor on this subject. David Pyne has also written an excellent article on the history of past wars and countless other National Defense papers and articles, that also shed a bright spotlight on what is really happening today.

I highly value the guidance David Pyne is giving the world on this subject because he has also laid out numerous avenues and solutions to bring about an immediate cease fire, urging for a return to the peace table!

What with mainstream media going the way of nothing more than propaganda misinformation messaging, it's more important now than ever, to seek out reliable news sources. Knowledge is power.

Given the restrictions placed on Mr. Pyne by the Russians themselves, I think it's an unbelievable stretch to imply that David would be tied to the Kremlins wishes or beliefs. He does however have deep understand on what the real dangers are, should the US and Britain continue to promote this disaster in the making. I am all in on de-escalation techniques and strategies.

My heart breaks for all those suffering from this needless conflict. I just hope and pray that this constant war creeping, doesn't end up with all of us dead.

The US is blindly, and willingly gambling with all our lives and have dragged us into an unwanted and needless war that could very be the well spark that sends us back into the dark ages.

So, believe as you like...it's your right. But truly when I see the lack of US leadership today and its feeble weakness to bring about a peace proposal that makes sense, coupled with massive culpabilities and an outdated subpar military complex on every western front, I think I will just keep my trust in God.

I'm fact checking everything I read these days but truly at the end of the day, if or when Russia decides enough is enough, there won't be much left to say. We will all be left standing gob smacked wondering why common sense did not prevail.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by David T. Pyne

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

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Well stated.

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"Surprisingly, they omitted...Musk from the list despite the fact that he recently issued a peace proposal."

perhaps because ukraine depends on musk's 'starlink'?

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Yes most likely. I think it would be hilarious if Musk shut off Ukraines access to Starlink in response to them telling him to F off.

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I'd be ok giving Ukraine the alternative of starting settlement talks this minute.

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They won't because Zslensky signed a decree outlawing peace talks with Moscow.

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I'm very disappointed I'm not on that list. How do get on it.

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The ForeignPolicyAlliance.org suggests a strategy to use non-binding "advisory elections" to put anti-war arguments before the US electorate at the city and county levels, and offer voters a way to let them vote to express their desire for peace and diplomacy. Patrick Lawrence, a progressive journalist, mentions this strategy in his article, "Who Should Control Foreign Policy?"


For more info contact Barry Klein at 713-224-4144 and gov.reform.pro@gmail.com

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Dear Mr. Pyne,

Thank you for your work.

I do disagree with you on one point:

You assert, "Ukrainian government propaganda and disinformation...has brainwashed most U.S. policymakers to support an undeclared proxy war on Russia."

On the contrary, I would argue that the so-called "Ukrainian" disinformation campaign is an "undeclared" US-neocon-driven proxy information war in the same way that the war in Ukraine is an "undeclared proxy war on Russia."

As you yourself note, Ukrainian "disinformation" organizations are US State Department-funded. Just as Ukraine is the military instrument of US foreign policy abroad, so are Ukrainian "disinformation" agencies the propaganda instrument of US foreign policy in the US.

The US has never had to give special congressional audiences for Zelensky to berate Americans for not suicidally 'closing the skies'; US magazines like Foreign Policy have never had to publish Ukrainian-written propaganda pieces; and the US State Department doesn't have to subsidize Ukrainian 'enemy lists' of US citizens: these actions are not the result of clever Ukrainian penetration of US politics, but of the power of neocon forces to deploy Ukranians as their willing sock puppets to propagandize their own citizens.

Best...Paul Jackson, NY, NY

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I think that the Biden regime media collaborate with the Zelensky regime in Ukraine to spread Ukrainian government propaganda and disinformation to prolong this unnecessary war as long as possible rather than make even the most minor territorial concessions to Russia to end the war, which will prove disasterous for Ukraine. I am sometimes asked if I think Zelensky is a US puppet but I think Biden is acting more like Zelensky's puppet because he has outsourced the formulation of US foreign and national security policy towards Russia to Zelensky who is now making the decisions which may well determine whether we get into a nuclear war with Russia or not.

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Thanks for your civil and reasoned thinking.

If I understand you, your view follows from a non-interventionist foreign policy ideal that is central to your idea of 'the national interest.'

From this point of view, though Ukrainian propaganda lists smear US citizens as“information terrorists subject to being tried as war criminals" - with convenient deniability by the neocons themselves - the opposite is true:

As you write, "Biden is acting...like Zelensky's puppet because he has outsourced the formulation of US foreign and national security policy towards Russia to Zelensky who is now making the decisions which may well determine whether we get into a nuclear war."

The thing is...outsourcing information" of "national security policy" to a foreign power - information that may get the US "into a nuclear war"...a war opposite US interests...

...does not sound to me simply like being a "puppet.

What it sounds like is a deliberate and conscious, criminal betrayal of the 'national interest' - in other words, it sounds like treason, the worst crime against a nation, a crime for which individuals - the foreign agents and those working on behalf of foreign agents - may be tried and hung by the neck until dead.

Does that get some part of your view?

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022Author

Yes that is correct. My definition of the national interest stems from my realist and non-interventionist foreign policy views. What Biden has been doing by putting the national security interests of a foreign power above our own and depleting US weapons stockpiles by given a huge number of them to Ukraine is arguably treason but is minimally an impeachable offense for which he should be removed from office as the greatest domestic national security threat to our constitutional republic the US has ever faced in its history.

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Thanks for sharing that info and analysis. I hope there are others with a military background like you unafraid to speak out. I look forward to following your reportage and thinking. Best, Paul Jackson, NY, NY

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lets all laugh at this. lol

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