Neither Russia nor any other state had any reason to trust the U.S. and no reason to cede to such terms,

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An independent Ukraine has proven to be a threat to world peace and a tool for the Washington Uniparty politicians and Ukrainian oligarchs to loot the country and destroy Russia. Russia needs to finish the job and secure its border up to Poland.

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Though I agree that in retrospect it might have been better if Ukraine had never become independent from the USSR given how close we are to nuclear war right now.

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I disagree. Russia can achieve security with an armistice along the current line of control as long as Ukraine agrees to permanent neutrality outside of NATO.

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It's too late. No responsible leader holding all the cards could meekly surrender accepting such an armistice after the previous ten years of lying, betrayal, and bloodshed.

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Not to mention it would be an unearned victory for NATO looking to extract itself from this mess. The break with China stuff is just hilarious. Russia and China is perfect symbiosis which is why Nixon divided them in the first place but once USA burned it's bridges with both that separation is impossible no matter what's on the table. NATO could roll back to 1991 lines and Russia wouldnt break w/ China.

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I think such an agreement would be a victory for both sides. Of course, supporters of the war against Russia in Ukraine call this proposal appeasement. We don't need Russia to formally break its alliance with China. We just need them to sign a reinsurance agreement in which they commit to remain neutral in any war between the US and China unless the US attacks China first.

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US isnt in the drivers seat. Endless pontification mean nothing if Russia doesn't agree. Russia is not Korea and could destroy NATO in 30 minutes so doesnt have to do what these US political hacks say.

Moreover Russia's terms for ending the SMO are clear and released in two demand letters in Dec 2021. Roll back of NATO and Demilitarization and Denazification of Ukraine. That will happen one way or another as "long as it takes" as Biden likes to say. NATO is already fracturing and after Ukraine either run out of men or materials the D&D can take place. That's the forceful way which unfortunately seems to be only way West wants to handle Russia's security concerns.

And it's comical Vivek thinks Russia would stab an ally like China in the back. They almost went to war with US for shithole Syria China is a far more valuable ally. Russia has written off the West as well as decadent and unhinged and wants nothing to do with them. This 4 D "proposal" is pie in the sky nonsense.

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