Apr 26Liked by David T. Pyne

Thanks for the post on subscriber chat. I so agree with you about Mike Johnson. How is it that our supposed leaders become so corrupted so quickly? Do they really know something we don’t have access to or are they just corrupted by power and influence of the oligarch class? Looking forward to hearing your perspective on this and other issues. I’m a former traditional conservative who now is anti establishment, anti war and very pro free speech. Thanks for your work.

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Apr 26Liked by David T. Pyne

As always thank you for sharing your wisdom on things Mr. Pyne!

I had high hopes for the House Speaker.

Truly tragic and feeling the Ukraine situation will just be that much more with prolonged suffering and death caused by this turn-coat decision.

One look at the US southern Border and one would think these politicians would recognize what is of most importance.


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Apr 28Liked by David T. Pyne

I'm in despair after reading this because it has the undeniable ring of truth to it . The Biden Junta and the EUnuchs are out of their rational minds and are out of common sense and survival instincts ; as such I have zero confidence in their ability to engage in nuclear poker and brinkmanship with the Russians . We are surely going to lose

The Russians are going to launch a summer offensive and collapse the Ukie army morale , leading to a race to the Dnieper and put Kiev literally under Russian guns . I have confidence in the wise and restrained actions of the russians but have no confidence in the nefarious Ukraine regime or the drama queens in NATO and the EU . Let's just hope the Russians can win without the West provoking WW3

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There is no "far left" in the US. There is not even a "left" that has any political power or influence. That is just a very stupid and ridiculous Republican talking point used by Republicans to rile and manipulate its partisans.

The truth is that the Democratic Party is as rightwing as the Republican Party. They both support Fascist Zionism, US Empire and World Hegemony, Rightwing Neocon Militarism and Warmongering, full control of all media, full censorship of other non-approved narratives, and full destruction of the US citizens' rights under the First Amendment. All those are rightwing positions supported by both Republicans and Democrat.

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This guy is great

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