Each one of the 5 likely scenarios, that you so skillfully analyzed, is actually very chilling to even contemplate whatever maybe the outcome.

Wish the powers that be had atleast an iota of your incisive thought process and analytical ability then this war would never have happened

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All except for Scenario 2 which would have ended the war on relatively favorable terms for Ukraine unless Russia uses nukes in which case the peace terms which will be much worse for Ukraine amounting to a conditional surrender with some similarities to the Treaty of Versailles we imposed on Germany in 1919.

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Maybe NATO (led by US) hopes that by arming Ukraine for not only taking back lost territories that also include Crimea thus making Putin's position untenable within Russia and compelling others in the Russian regime to stage a coup ultimately leading to collapse of Russia.

Unfortunately, NATO would be wrong to assume as above and would get engulfed in their own petard by continuing to pursue escalation.

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There is no chance whatsoever of a coup against Putin. US leaders are fools to believe that there is and even more foolish to believe that such a coup would be a positive development for us when his most likely successor would be much more of a hardliner.

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